July 26, 2024

Damage Control: Disney Delays Rachel Zegler ‘Snow White’ to 2025, Releases Image to Prove 7 Dwarves Still in Film

Disney is delaying the release of its live-action remake of Snow White, starring Rachel Zegler, by a full year to 2025 as the studio contends with widespread negative publicity that has surrounded the production in recent months. Snow White is now slated to open in cinemas March 21, 2025. The big-budget production was previously scheduled

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Challenges Biden to Prove Fitness for Office by Debating

Democratic presidential contender Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has challenged incumbent President Joe Biden to prove that he is mentally and physically fit for office by facing him in a primary debate. In a tweet Friday, Kennedy said: “President Biden could put to rest any concerns about his fitness for office by engaging me in a

Blue State Blues: Why The House Failed to Prove Its Case

The House impeachment managers could not prove incitement — the central charge in the Article of Impeachment. Then-President Donald Trump told supporters to protest “peacefully and patriotically.” No court could convict him on the facts. So Democrats created a new standard. Trump is guilty of “inciting” the Capitol riot, they said, because he rejected the…

Social Media Giants Prove They Are The Real Threat To “Our Democracy”

Though we technically live in a Republic, leftists of all stripes continuously use the term “our democracy” whilst describing what they view as “threats” by Trump. As “our democracy” has continually improved during Trump’s 19 months as President, these unhinged lunatics will take anything and everything he does and says and call it a “threat […]

Justice Department demands sanctuary cities prove they are in compliance with the law.

The effort by the government to ratchet up pressure on sanctuary cities to comply with the law was intensified this past week when the Department of Justice sent a letter to several jurisdictions demanding that they prove they are cooperating with federal immigration authorities. Along with the demand for proof, DoJ threatened to use its subpoena […]

New FBI Documents Further Prove Comey Planned to Exonerate Hillary Before Criminal Investigation Was Complete

The FBI records vault released a series of draft statements Monday afternoon authored by former FBI Director James Comey. The drafts are about the conclusion of the criminal investigation into former Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email server to host and transmit top secret information. Unfortunately the drafts are completely redacted, […]

EXPOSED: 5 Shocking Stats That Prove Trump Is BEATING the Media’s Rigged Polls

GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump not only has to beat the Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton, he has to go up against the mainstream media and the rigged polls they give air time to ad nauseum. However, the conservative website The Truth Division posted five statistics that prove that Trump is beating the polls and garnering […]

6 Epic Cartoons That Prove Hillary Clinton Would Be a Terrible President

1. If there’s one thing Hillary knows, it’s how to be a hypocrite.   2. Just try and ask her to release those Wall Street transcripts.  3. How many scandals can one presidential candidate have before they’re automatically disqualified from running?  4. Quick rule of thumb: If President Obama says something, believe the opposite.  5. […]

Bombshell: Unclassified DHS Documents Prove Local Law Enforcement is Being Propagandized against Innocent American Patriots

Homeland Security documents, which have been marked as “Unclassified/Law Enforcement Sensitive,” appear to demonstrate just how local law enforcement is being propagandized against Patriots in the united States by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah. And who did the document target? The Constitutional militia, specifically those who engaged the […]
