July 26, 2024

Brutal: Examining Ocasio-Cortez’s Painful Answer on Funding Her Socialist Utopia.

As we flagged on Friday, media sensation and instant lefty icon Alexandria Ocasio Cortez appeared on the Daily Show last week, where she was confronted with a relatively simple question by host Trevor Noah.  Ocasio Cortez is campaigning on a laundry list of new government programs and entitlements, including “Medicare for All,” free college, and […]

Bernie Sanders Dodges Question About The Cost For His Socialist Health Care Utopia

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is pushing his single-payer health care initiative. Alternatively called Medicare-for-All, the self-described democratic socialist has decided now was the time to split his party in two over this issue. It’s going to call for $32 trillion in new taxes; it’s not going anywhere. Sanders even had Canadian doctors flown in to […]

Venezuela’s socialist utopia ends up in the toilet

Venezuela has fallen into an economic pit. Dirty air and water have caused widespread sickness. A drought has led to pervasive water and electricity shortages. The country’s economy has contracted and inflation runs in the triple digits. Food, medicine and common items like toilet paper are increasingly scarce. Violent crime ravages the streets. To be […]

Spoiler Alert: California Already Has Obama’s Fantasy Gun Control Utopia

For months and repeatedly after national atrocities involving the use of a firearm to kill innocent people, President Obama has called for “common-sense” gun control measures. His White House has repeatedly put out the talking point that universal background checks are necessary to prevent future violence. The terror attack in San Bernardino is no different. […]


It is almost time to rejoice because the liberal utopia promised to us by Obama and the left wing elitists is coming rapidly. The United States is going to become the perfect society. It will be a society with no guns in private hands and no racist or brutal local police. Instead there will be […]
