May 3, 2024


The Communist Goals Are Paralleling What is Happening in America Today – Video

comunist-party-Communism, destroying us down from within.  The disclosed 1963 Communist goals are paralleling what is happening in America today.  Read the following list below to determine how many goals they have achieved.  Communism is not dead.  Also, the video below (61 min.) Communism in America – Grinding America Down, will start momentarily.   The communist […Read More]



revolution square cubaRaúl Castro is laughing at Obama

The bloody Cuban dictator Raúl Castro laughed at his triumph over President Barack Obama on December 17, 2014. The president granted Raúl Castro enormous concessions by restoring diplomatic relations and unilaterally and illegally destroying most of the embargo while the Cuban tyrant did not offer any meaningful concessions. Raúl Castro gave a speech claiming victory and pointed out that he … [Read More…]


Miami protests for Obamas Cuba relationsObama in Violation of the Constitution Re-establishes Relations with Cuba

On December 17, 2014, President Barack Obama unilaterally reestablished diplomatic relations with Cuba in violation of the Helms-Burton law and the Constitution. The surprise announcement came at the end of 18 months of secret talks behind the backs of Congress and the American and Cuban people. In June 2013, Obama sent two White House officials, Benjamin J. Rhodes and Ricardo Zúñiga, to meet … [Read More…]




jeb bushWhy Jeb Bush Would Not Be An Ideal Candidate for President

There are three main reasons why Jeb Bush could be rejected by millions of conservative Republicans and, therefore, he would have a difficult time being elected president. These reasons are his support for a comprehensive immigration reform, which many Americans would deemed it to be an amnesty, his agreement with Common Core and his private equity business. Thus, he should not be nominated by the … [Read More]



House Intel Committee Releases Benghazi Findings, Some at Odds with Prior News ReportsHouse of Representatives Intelligence Committee Rejects Benghazi Accusations : Is it a Cover up?

Ken Dilanian wrote an article entitled “GOP Panel: ‘No Intelligence Failure’ Before Benghazi” which was published in The Miami Herald on November 21, 2014. He explained that after a two-year investigation by the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee it has found that the CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack to a U.S. Mission Compound in Benghazi, Libya. … [Read More…]



ferguson_car_burningRioting in Ferguson

John Hayward wrote an article titled “Ferguson riots: shots fired, stores looted, cars and buildings burned” which was published in Human Events Daily on November 25, 2014. The reporter explained that the agreement about “rules of engagement” that Ferguson’s mayor reached with protesters did not work. The city of 21,000 people was promptly looted and many businesses burned after a grand jury … [Read




 the-china-sea0China’s Imperialism in the South and East China Seas and the Gathering Threat to Our Security

China in violation of international law in claiming islands and reefs which belong to U.S. allies as well as vast portions of the South and East China Seas. Jane Perlez wrote an article entitled “China Said to Turn Reef Into Airstrip in Disputed Water” which was published in The New York Times on November 23, 2014. She explained [Read More…]





Being Latin does not blind me to the wrongs that leaders in Latin America do to the American citizens when they have a chance or an excuse. The cruelty perpetuated on Americans in Mexico is proverbial and has gone on for years. I’d advise people to vacation somewhere else. When you compare the behavior between […Read More]



marijuanaOn November 4 Floridians go to the polls to decide whether or not marijuana should be legally marketed for “Medical Use”. Depending on our personal opinion, knowledge and political vision much has been written in recent months about this subject. In this article I will mention four things that every citizen should know before voting […]

obama lying to america

Obama Violates the Constitution by Issuing an Executive Order on Immigration

In a nationally televised address President Barack Obama announced that he will use executive action on immigration to protect about five million undocumented immigrants from deportation. Ignoring Republicans in Congress and the will of the American people, who voted against his failed domestic and foreign policies as well as his constant violations of the Constitution in the November 2014 … [Read More…]



    The illegal and unilaterally move to normalize relations with the Communist tyranical regime of Cuba is being compared to treason throughout the country by Americans of Cuban descent. The measures taken by the White House will prolong the military dictatorship and will enrich the Communist regime. will give oxygen to the worst dictatorship and the most bloodthirsty regime of the Americas. … [Read More…]




    ISLAM MAPIslam and the West

    The Rise of Islam There are over 1.5 billion Muslims in the world. Not all the followers of Islam act or think the same way. Most of them want to live peacefully with the United States and the West. This article is not intended to be an attack on Islam. Its purpose is to inform people in the United States of the increasing danger to our national security of the Muslim Brotherhood and radical … [Read More…]


    As an officer in the Military Intelligence branch of the Army, I was trained to find out everything I could about the enemies of our country including their location, capabilities, probable tactics, and their strengths and weaknesses. This information was then provided to commanders in the field who determined the strategy and tactics to use […Read More]


What President Obama is Doing This Weekend Instead of Forming a Strategy to Defeat ISISPresident Obama the Liar-in-Chief in the White House

All presidents in America have had to lie occasionally to Americans and people around the world. Some have done it for national security reasons and others to cover up scandals in their administrations. All Americans remember that President Bill Clinton stated under a deposition in the White House regarding whether he had sex with Monica Lewinsky that “I did not have sex with that woman.” For … [Read More…]



China’s Cyber Warfare and Its Alliance with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Endanger our National Security

The United States needs to be very vigilant regarding Chinese tech companies and their products. Our weak and indecisive Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces President Barack Obama has never spoken of the gathering threat that China represents for our nation. China is waging cyber and currency warfare against our nation. Why has Obama not being able to stop the Chinese who have almost a … [Read M


The reasons for the decline of America under Obama is exposed. Is the real Obama, the first Marxist and hidden Muslim elected to the White House in the nation’s history, who has been associated his entire life with Marxists, socialists, and radicals?  The multitude of scandals, Obama’s road towards a totalitarian socialist society and his disdain for the Judeo Christian values that made our nation … [Read More…]

China and Russia are Engaged in a Currency War with the United States and Want to Destroy the Dollar as an International Currency

Currency War Currency war, also known as competitive devaluation, is a situation where countries compete against each other to achieve a relatively low exchange rate for their own currency. As the price to buy a particularly currency goes down so does the real price of exports from the country. Imports become more expensive and that helps the domestic industry increase sales. Of course, a … [Read More…]

The Islamic State Caliphate is an Existential Threat to America

Is Barack Obama considering a major policy shift in Syria and Iraq? Steiff (Diary) wrote an article entitled “Bashar al-Assad: Obama’s new ally” in Red State on August 24, 2014. He explained the erratic foreign policy of the Obama administration. At the beginning the Obama administration Secretary of State Hillary Clinton referred to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad as a “reformer” before … [Read More…]


cOMMON CORE AND OBAMACommon Core Revolt Increases Across the Nation

There is an increasingly growing revolt against the federally-imposed and unconstitutional Obama’s federal curriculum Common Core across the nation. This revolt has increased since the College Board adopted a new Framework for the Advanced Placement U.S. History course (APUSH) which casts U.S. history in such as negative way that it would please communist Howard Zinn, author of A People´s History … [Read More…]



supreme courtIt is more likely than not, that the two opposite interpretations of the legality of subsidies given in the A.C.A. “Obamacare”, by the federal exchanges will need clarification by the Supreme Court. The dispute is based on a rule in the law that states that subsidies, in the form of tax credits, will go to […Read More]


Who is the Real Barack Hussein Obama?

President Barack Hussein Obama is the most secretive, enigmatic, and mysterious occupant of the White House. After more than five and a half years in office, we are still unsure as to where he was born, the validity of his birth certificate and social security card, his religion, his medical history, his admission and scholastic [Read More…]
