January 13, 2025

‘Blacks for Trump’ Gather Outside Federal Courthouse to Support Trump

“Blacks for Trump” supporters gathered outside the Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. U.S. Courthouse in Miami, Florida, to support former President Donald Trump at the first federal arraignment of a former U.S. president on Tuesday. Most of the group were wearing shirts that read, “Trumpsters are not racist.” Blacks for Trump are out supporting today! 🇺🇸🙏🏻❤️

Kanye’s Not Alone: Blacks Are Deserting the Dems.

Kanye West at an event in Los Angeles, California. (Getty Images) In the midst of the Kavanaugh madness, a fascinating development passed relatively under the radar Thursday. Today’s @realDonaldTrump approval ratings among black voters: 35%. This day last year: 23% https://t.co/mazBCWoIMy @POTUS @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/dVW5J9dzs8 — Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) October 4, 2018 No matter how you […]

WATCH: Kanye Slams Idea That Blacks Must Vote Democrat On ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’

On “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” Thursday, entertainment mogul Kanye West described his decision to openly express his support for Donald Trump, which he said required him to have the confidence to stand up against massive backlash from liberals, media, and the hip-hop community, who tried to promote the idea that all African-Americans must vote Democrat. “As […]

Stunning poll finds support for Trump doubles among blacks in one week.

This is the worst news for Democrats since the election was called for Donald Trump in 2016.  Kanye West appears to have punched a hole in the dam holding African-American support in a reservoir, allowing American blacks to make up their own minds about President Trump instead of conforming to the expectation that “the community” must […]

PRAGER: Who Are The Luckiest Jews, Blacks And Latinos?

Despite the existence of anti-Semites and anti-Semitism in America, American Jews are indeed among the luckiest Jews in Jewish history. Even with the re-establishment of a Jewish state in the Land of Israel, many more Israeli Jews have moved to America than American Jews have moved to Israel. This is not a reflection on Israel, […]

President Trump Wins ‘Medal of Life’ From Int’l Human Rights Group (But Fake News Media Blacks Out News)

“For the first time in the course of his duties, a U.S. President, Donald Trump, declared his solidarity with members of the March for Life, and officially declared that for the U.S. January 22 stands as National Sanctity of Human Life Day. For that humanitarian gesture in defense of moral-ethical values and the sanctity of […]

“Racist” Trump Provides More Jobs for Blacks and Hispanics Than Obama Did.

If you listen to the mainstream media, and only the mainstream media, you would probably come to the conclusion that President Donald Trump is a white nationalist racist. But again, that’s if you only listened to what the major news outlets were saying. The truth is that while the left-wing media lies, numbers do not. […]

Fewer Blacks, Hispanics Go Jobless Under Trump.

More black and Hispanic Americans are getting jobs on President Donald Trump’s watch, the latest employment numbers show, although critics accuse him of ignoring such minority populations. The White House, not surprisingly, is happy to tout the results. Unemployment among blacks declined from 8 percent one year ago to 7.3 percent in November, according to […]

Keith Ellison Once Proposed Making A Separate Country For Blacks

Some newly discovered columns shed light on the shocking views expressed by one of the Democrat’s favorite politicians. Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, now in the running to be DNC Chair, has attracted the support of Sens. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Harry Reid. Many think that Ellison, an African-American Muslim, would make a powerful […]

SHOCK: Nation of Islam leader WARNS blacks, compares Hillary to…

For all the talk about how Donald Trump is anti-Muslim, at least one prominent Muslim leader won’t be casting his vote for Hillary Clinton next Tuesday. Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan has praised Trump — though not for any reasons The Donald would want to brag about. For instance, in response to Trump’s rhetoric […]

Hillary and the Democrats Continue Their War on Blacks

Forget all the back and forth on the first debate, the pundits, the people, the polls, the bizarre claims and counter-claims of an aging Venezuelan porn star.  All that can and will change, if it hasn’t already. Or will disappear among a new set of talking points, real or imagined, after the second debate. Only one assertion of […]

5 Statistics You Need To Know About Cops Killing Blacks

The Alton Sterling and Philando Castile shootings have caused an uproar among leftists because they fuel their narrative that racist white police officers are hunting down innocent black men. But the statistics – brought to light by the superb work of Heather Mac Donald – tell a different story. Here are five key statistics you need […]

Farrakhan to Obama: Let Trump Do Want He Wants, You Failed Inner City Blacks – VIDEO

Sunday at the Men’s Day program hosted at Union Temple Baptist Church in Washington, DC, Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan said to President Barack Obama, “Your people are suffering and dying in the streets,” of Chicago, so “you failed to do what should have been done.” Farrakhan continued  by saying it is time to let Republican […]

AWFUL. Obama Stumps for Sick Hillary – LIES About Trump Letting Blacks on His Golf Course

DISGUSTING. Barack Obama stumped for Hillary Clinton Tuesday in Pennsylvania while she recovered from the medical emergency she suffered at Ground Zero. Obama told his far left audience that Donald Trump discriminated against blacks at his premier golf clubs. That is exactly the opposite from the truth. ** Donald Trump insisted on including Jews and […]


Former Garland, Texas, NAACP president Pastor CL Bryant speaks on why he left the Democractic Party and his film “Runaway Slave: Run From Tyranny to Liberty.  Alfonzo Rachel examines black loyalty to Democrats

The Black Lives That DON’T Matter To The Left: Chicago Murder Rate Among Blacks Skyrockets

While the Left continues to stand on the graves of African-Americans who have died in officer-involved shootings, every week in Chicago there are dozens of new graves for blacks, particularly young black males, largely ignored by Black Lives Matter activists and Democratic leaders. The reason, of course, is the anti-police “systemic racism” narrative, which the devastating facts involving gang violence and black-on-black crime in […]

5 Facts About How Many Blacks Are Shot By Cops

The Daily Wire has provided key statistics on cops killing blacks as well as how “systemic racism” in policing doesn’t exist. To continue with this theme, here are five facts you need to know about how many blacks are shot by police officers. 1. According to The Washington Post‘s 2015 police shooting database, 36 unarmed black men were […]

Poll: Majority Of Blacks, Whites And Hispanics In San Diego Want Illegals Deported

A new poll released Thursday showed that a majority of San Diego County residents, including whites, blacks, Latinos, males, and females all support the deportation of illegal aliens. The SurveyUSA poll also found that of those respondents who want illegal immigrants to be deported, 61 percent would be willing to pay $4,000 in additional taxes if that is what […]

Bishop Urges Blacks To Oppose ‘Anti-Christian’ Democrat Party

The president of Ministers Taking a Stand – a national organization of Pastors and Christian leaders addressing moral and spiritual issues in American culture – is calling on the black community to sever its relationship with the “anti-Christian” Democrat Party as the 2016 election looms. Bishop E.W. Jackson says that black Christians should not continue […]
