July 26, 2024

John Fugelsang: ‘Jesus Is Not a Ally of the Republican Party’

Comedian John Fugelsang said Friday on MSNBC’s The 11th Hour that he believed Jesus Christ was not an “ally of the Republican Party.” Fugelsang said, “I would love to leave behind right-wing fundamentalists and Christian nationalists use Jesus, his birth as we celebrate, as a prop, while legislating and fighting against his actual teachings. There are a

The Reason Jesus Died on the Cross.

Once again, we’re approaching the days on church calendars in which Christians around the world will be recalling the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. As we do, a certain memory from my childhood comes back to me. One day, when I was in a religion class at the school I attended in […]

Calling Good, Evil and Evil, Good: How ‘Christian Liberals’ Twist the Words of Jesus to Wage War on the Second Amendment.

When it comes to the gun control debate, there is little sunlight between the most ardent Marxist and politically liberal “Christians,” especially those of the so-called “Red-Letter” stripe. So when a homicidal maniac shoots up a mall, a movie theater, a concert, or a school, as was tragically the case last week in Parkland Florida, […]

What Jesus’ Words in Death Reveal About His Life.

For every person there will come a last meal, a last breath, and of course a last statement. In many ways, what we say in the end can be an insight into what we were in life, what we stood for, lived for. Sometimes people don’t know that they are uttering their last words. Michael […]

What Do Americans Think of Jesus: Man, Myth or God?

A Barna study released days before Easter, looking at how U.S. adults see and relate to the central figure of Christianity, shows that almost all Americans believe that Jesus Christ was a real person who actually lived, and that the majority of Americans have made a commitment to Him. Ninety-three percent of Americans say they […]


We have now entered the Christmas season, a time in which it has become trendy and fashionable among the religious left to say that Jesus was a refugee, and that we need to open our borders in the United States to all Syrian refugees, just as if Jesus was right there among them. This is […]

The Prince of Peace — Jesus of Nazareth

Jesus Christ, whose birthday is celebrated throughout the world on Christmas, has had a greater impact on human history than any person who ever lived. Though he died at the age of 33, the year in which we live is dated from his birth. Though he lived in an obscure corner of the Roman Empire […]

NYT’s Stupid Questions Edition: What Religion Would Jesus Be?

In what should be a question with the most obvious answer in the history of questions, the New York Times recently queried, “What religion would Jesus be?” According to columnist Nicholas Kristof, “One puzzle of the world is that religions often don’t resemble their founders.” Comparing Christianity’s long-held beliefs about sexuality to apartheid and hacking off the genitals of […]

Pope Francis’ Comparison of the ‘Idea of Conquest…in the Soul of Islam’ and Jesus’ Words in the Book of Matthew May Not Sit Well With You

Pope Francis recently addressed fears of Islam and the religion’s “idea of conquest” in an interview with French Catholic newspaper La Croix, proposing that some people might also see the call for conquest as being inherent in Matthew’s gospel. “Today, I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its […]

HAPPY EASTER: Here’s WHY Jesus Wasn’t a Socialist (Fwd To Bernie) – VIDEO

Have you ever been confronted by a hippie claiming that Jesus was a socialist? Well, here’s the truth about that. Forward this to all the Bernie supporters that you know. Enjoy:

6 Facts About Jesus’ Resurrection Skeptic, Christian Scholars Agree On

If Jesus Christ walked out of His tomb after His death, then certainly everything He said about Himself — that He is the Lord, the way, the truth, and the life — would all receive a stamp of approval. Why should we listen to Jesus? Because He was dead, and then He was alive. He […]

CNN Compares Muslim Migrants to Christ: ‘Jesus Stands for All Political Refugees’

A recent CNN article claims that Christians who take the nativity story seriously should draw parallels between the birth of Christ and the waves of Muslim migrants washing over Europe and other parts of the world. Writer Jay Parini says that “those who care about the practice of their faith keep Jesus front and center,” […]

Obama’s ex-pastor: Israel is apartheid state, ‘Jesus was a Palestinian’

Jeremiah Wright, US President Barack Obama’s former pastor, called Israel an apartheid state and said “Jesus was a Palestinian” at a rally in Washington hosted by the Rev. Louis Farrakhan. At an hours-long event Saturday on the National Mall titled “Justice or Else,” Wright said that African-Americans, Native Americans and Palestinians have suffered under the […]

Pope Francis gives a Mass in Cuba amidst a painting of Che Guevara and a statue of Jesus

On September 20, 2015, I was able to watch something unique (Online). Just a day after arriving in Cuba, Pope Francis gave a mass service at Revolution Square in Havana. As expected, the event made news around the world. The reason was obvious, it is rare to witness a mass delivered by the head of […]
