May 1, 2024


Among the many revelations from the DNC email hack was the discovery that they have a pro-Hillary SuperPAC that pays young voters to push back against support for Bernie Sanders online, since Hillary failed miserably at garnering the youth vote this primary season. A photo alleging to show a Craigslist ad looking for people to […]

Hillary Corrupts Everything: The DNC Story

The Democratic National Committee functioned as an arm of the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign throughout the primary.  The release by WikiLeaks of more than 20,000 DNC emails makes that point abundantly clear. It wasn’t shocking the Hillary and her friend Debbie Wasserman Schultz were in cahoots; what was, is the level of opposition game planning […]

House Benghazi Report Confirms ‘Spontaneous Video Protest’ Story Was Deliberate Political Disinformation

The House Benghazi report makes it completely clear that no one peddling the “spontaneous video protest” theory of the attack ever believed it, not for a single hour. It was a piece of deliberate disinformation concocted in Washington for political purposes, as critics of President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have long […]

This Story Could Be The Smoking Gun For False-Flag Operations

Santa Monica; Two police officers who wish to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation say that James Wesley Howell, an Indiana man who was found with a car full of explosives and weapons on Sunday morning, told police he was part of a team that planned shooting attacks on gay communities in Florida and California. Howell […]


Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has devalued the country’s currency and raised fuel prices. It’s all part of the ruling Socialist party’s efforts to turnaround one of the world’s worst performing economies. Maduro’s reforms that risk fueling triple-digit inflation, come just two months after the ruling socialist party were heavily beaten in parliamentary elections.  With no […]

The Untold Story (February 2016) – The Evangelical Vote

Ted Cruz took Iowa after winning a third of the evangelical vote.  Rubio and Trump each won about 20 percent. Washington Post  But the 2016 GOP race is distinctive because there are so many candidates trying to woo evangelicals – the three mentioned plus Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, and Rick Santorum. A long article in […]

Fun with numbers: The real story behind the unemployment report

On the surface, the January jobs numbers appear to be “not bad.” There were 151,000 jobs created and the official unemployment rate dropped below 5%. But the story inside the numbers is really, really awful. The Bureau of Labor Statistics calculates job creation and loss using two different measurements; the Current Population Survey, and “Establishment” data […]


Wrong Focus Coverage of the Hammond Ranch situation is an example of why we don’t win. Nearly all coverage is focused on the wrong thing—the situation and its specific concerns, rather than the global issue! We can do better than People Magazine! Ammon and the others are there to bring focus on the issue, not on […]

The Story of Christmas from the Gospel of Matthew

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”—Isaiah 9:6. What exactly do Christians celebrate at Christmas? This is the story of the birth of Jesus in the […]

New Emails: BENGHAZI Cover Story Continues to Unravel

A new lot of emails released by the State Department on Halloween were so newsworthy that not even the holiday could drown it out. It turns out, three days after the Benghazi attack, on Sept. 14, 2012, the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli specifically warned the State Department in an email not to promote the idea […]


The head of Cuba’s delegation to negotiate “normalization” with the United States has vowed that Cuba will not “move one millimeter” on issues such as its rampant human rights violations in talks with American officials. This follows Secretary of State John Kerry’s visit to the island for the opening of the American embassy in Havana. […]

The Planned Parenthood Horror Story

Babies being born alive, only to be butchered for their parts. Harvesting tiny hearts, brains and livers. Fetal organs being transplanted into lab rats for research. Cracking skulls and dismemberment. Horror shows are usually like that: repulsive, disturbing, barbaric and sickening. Except that Planned Parenthood’s horror show is not a movie, but a real nightmare […]

New York Times Edits Clinton Email Story At Her Request

The New York Times altered its story about two inspectors general calling for an investigation into whether Democratic Party front-runner Hillary Clinton mishandled classified information on her secret private email server. The change to the lede paragraph came at the request of the Clinton campaign, Politico reports. “It was a response to complaints we received […]

VA Reform: Another Obama “Success Story”

Eight months ago, President Obama put on a grand show for the troops. Surrounded by new Secretary of Veterans Affairs Bob McDonald, assorted politicians, military leaders and a bevy of TV cameras, the commander in chief signed the “Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act.” He’s good at inking things. Obama condemned the “inexcusable conduct” at […]
