May 6, 2024

Pat Caddell: Pro-Clinton Media Bias Is a ‘Terrifying Crisis in Democracy’ – AUDIO

Veteran political analyst Pat Caddell is confident the media will go into overdrive to protect Hillary Clinton from the bombshell revelation that her campaign chairman John Podesta raked in millions from a Russian government technology initiative – and failed to disclose the money on federal forms, as required by law. “My God, I’m sure that […]

Darrell Issa: ‘We Are in a Crisis,’ and Hillary Clinton Is a ‘Criminal Involved in a Criminal Enterprise’ – AUDIO

Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, talked with Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon about President Barack Obama’s willful disregard for the law as president and the FBI’s decision not to charge Hillary Clinton for her actions involving top secret emails. Issa said: We are in a crisis because […]

ISIS Unveiled US “Kill List” Last Week, Including 600 Florida Residents

In the wake of the tragic event that took place at an Orlando nightclub early Sunday morning that left 50 dead and 53 wounded as of the time of this writing, it has been discovered that the shooter Omar Mateen was on a “watch list” over his association with “suspicious people.” What will likely attract […]

WSJ: Migrant Crisis Threatens European Values – AUDIO

Of all the crises to hit Europe over the past years, the migration crisis remains the greatest threat to the survival of the European Union, says the Wall Street Journal. The arrival of more than a million migrants in 2015 provoked panic not so much because the numbers were in themselves unmanageable but because of […]

The immigration crisis in the U.S. is only getting worse

The Department of Homeland Security recently reported that during the month of February, 26,078 undocumented illegals were arrested for crossing the US border. In March, this number increased to 33,335. The same report found that from October 2015 (the beginning of the new fiscal year), 32,117 families and 27,754 minors were detained at the border. […]

Criminal Charges Filed Against Government Officials for Flint Water Crisis

The federal government refused to hold its own officials accountable after the Environmental Protection Agency dumped millions of gallons of toxic water into the Animas River—a blunder that would likely result in a criminal conviction for a private party. Michigan’s attorney general, Bill Schuette, now deserves credit for doing what the federal government didn’t do: file criminal […]


It is rare that politicians step into the nightmare of shame that is today’s nursing home industry in an effort to protect the innocent and condemn an industry rife with greed and substandard care. “Nursing homes are rapidly becoming nothing other than legalized scams…a place to ‘warehouse’ the elderly, suck away their money, treat them […]


KrisAnne Hall, the legal advisor for the Coalition of Western States, was interviewed on The Joe Miller Show. Ms. Hall, who was just in Burns, Oregon just last week teaching several constitutional law courses, spoke with protesters present at the refuge. She also discussed what happened with Ammon Bundy’s sister.  Ms. Hall states that no […]


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), charged with the mandate to protect the public’s food supply, openly admits its liability in the deaths of Americans, mostly in the form of heart attacks. That is far from the full story. What the giant government agency hides is its culpability in the recent rise in brain […]

Hillary Clinton’s Email Problems: Growing Crisis or Nothing to See?

The media’s double standard has been on full display with a number of softball interviews and a staged CNN town hall held for the Democratic presidential candidates. The left-wing mainstream media are waiting to crown Hillary Clinton, even before the votes are in. MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, in particular, recently interviewed Hillary Clinton about her close […]


After having literally created the refugee crisis from start to finish — destroying multiple Middle Eastern nations and then demanding that Europe accept the millions of displaced victims — the internationalist establishment is now exploiting the chaos it unleashed to push more globalism and statism. Europe, Africa, and the Middle East are all in the cross-hairs […]

WATCH: Hungary’s Orban Blasts ‘Dying’ Europe For Migrant Crisis Self Denial

No-nonsense Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban has spoken out on the Europe migrant crisis, calling it a major security issue. Speaking at a joint press conference with his Bulgarian counterpart in Sofia, Mr. Orban blasted European cowardice in the face of migrant terrorism, and predicted his remarks would be ignored by the mainstream media […]


“Why should we children have to grow up in such fear?” That is the very reasonable question 16-year-old German teenager Bibi Wilhailm asks, in her 20-minute YouTube video (see below), garnering her some much-needed recognition in cyberspace. Her video had first appeared on Facebook, but was taken down for reasons that still remain unclear. But […]


Anger builds at a government spending large in Washington using American’s tax dollars to become the world’s caretaker while abandoning its own people in need. Can America’s middle-class save itself, its families, and its elderly while being forced to financially support burgeoning groups of global dependents who seek America’s health care and welfare dollars? The […]

Could The World Be Headed For A Financial Crisis Worse Than 2007?

An economist is warning the world economy is facing conditions that could lead to a financial crash worse than 2007 and 2008. In an interview with the The Telegraph published Tuesday just ahead of the World Economic Forum, William White said the “macroeconomic ammunition to fight downturns is essentially all used up” and many of the debts that […]

A Letter to America – The Hammond Family Crisis

Dear Fellow Americans, We have a family of patriots who have been receiving the brunt of Governmental Agency tyranny firsthand. By the reports, it is clear the abuse has been brutal! Read the story here. The Hammonds have shown a tremendous amount of patience over many years of the BLMs continued abuse. The Bundy Hammond […]

‘Migrant’ Crisis an Organized Invasion, Says Czech President

A million people suddenly show up in Europe, most of them able-bodied young Muslim men claiming to be “refugees,” and it’s all entirely by chance? Hardly: Czech President Milos Zeman has called the current wave of refugees to Europe “an organised invasion”, adding young men from Syria and Iraq should instead “take up arms” against […]

Worst Refugee Crisis Since WWII Balloons in 2015

The number of people fleeing war torn regions around the world (with a majority from Syria and Iraq) and arriving in Europe topped one million in 2015. This number marks a grim milestone, putting the number of refugees pouring into the continent at four times the rate of the year before. From the International Organization […]

Refugee crisis: thousands arrive in Germany amid calls for action in Syria

Migrants are brought through the central station in Munich to the registration area.   Refugees arrive at Munich main station Photograph: Andreas Gebert/EPA A policeman hits people during a protest at the Lesvos Port Photograph: Angelos Tzortzinis/AFP/Getty Images The situation has become increasingly explosive on Lesvos, Greece, one of the islands on the frontline of […]

ICYMI: IRAN Detains Another American, Celebrates Iranian Hostage Crisis

The Iranian regime has detained another American on trumped up charges despite recently reaching a historic nuclear agreement with the United States in July. Earlier this week, Iranian American Siamak Namazi was arrested and thrown in prison by Iranian military, upping the number of Americans held in that country to five. An Iranian-American scholar and […]

The Speaker Crisis and the Rape of the ‘Typical American’

For the last week our Democratic friends, from the president’s press spokesman down to the usual suspects in the media, have been sneering at the Republican House Speaker election. I get why Democrats would find it comical to see democracy breaking out. They don’t really do democracy in the Democratic Party. Not if they can […]

Pope Francis Urges World to Follow ‘Golden Rule’ in Dealing With Refugee Crisis in Historic Address to Congress

Pope Francis became the first-ever pontiff to deliver a speech before Congress on Thursday morning, imploring Democrats and Republicans, alike, to follow the “golden rule” in dealing with the ongoing refugee crisis. The pontiff spoke of immigrants, telling the bi-partisan congressional audience to reject a “mindset of hostility” and to see immigrants as individuals, listening […]



As the European Union prepares to launch a military operation in the hopes of limiting migration from the African horn, dozens continue to perish in the Mediterranean Sea. The videos below show a review of what is happening in Europe and what could happen in America as more refugees are brought in. POPULATION CHANGE

Europe’s Migration Crisis: “Not Giving Us Like in Germany”

One migrant was asked why he doesn’t want to stay in Hungary. He replied: “[Hungary is] not giving us like in Germany… a house, money…” “It’s not 150,000 migrants coming that some want to divide according to quotas, it’s not 500,000, a figure that I heard in Brussels, it’s millions, then tens of millions, because […]


As the migrant-train standoff entered its second day in Hungary, with thousands of mostly Syrian refugees seeking passage to Germany, it’s time the West recognized this shift in Muslim populations for what it is, say American activists who have been warning of a “fifth column” for years. Author Robert Spencer wrote Sept. 4 in Front […]


Since Barack Hussein Obama became President of the United States it seems that we have been a constant state of Constitutional crisis. He has repeatedly violated his oath of office, ignored the Constitutional balance of powers by bypassing Congress in order to rewrite or make new laws, and ignoring rulings by the courts. He has […]
