May 3, 2024

Bernie Sanders’s Five Most Ignorant Anti-Israel Statements

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)16% continues to embarrass himself by making uninformed and false anti-Israel statements that seem to parrot radical left, BDS-style, Palestinian propaganda talking points. In many cases, Sanders’s objectionable comments expose his ignorance of foreign policy, especially regarding Israeli-Palestinian affairs. Here are Sanders’s top 5 most ignorant statements about Israel, in no particular order. 1 – Israel […]

Awesome Bernie meme illustrates perfect INSANITY of his free college plan

As much as I am personally horrified that so many Americans appear willing if not giddily eager to elect an avowed socialist to the White House, I must say having Bernie Sanders in the presidential race does add to the entertainment value. He really does seem to believe a college education is necessary to make […]

The Establishment Strikes Back: Bernie Wins Wyoming, Hillary Leaves With More Delegates

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders trounced Hillary Clinton in the Wyoming primary by 12 points, 56 to 44 percent. But thanks to how the Democratic Party of Wyoming awards pledged delegates, the state’s 14 delegates will be awarded evenly — 7 each. That, however, is not the only curious outcome from the Wyoming primary. The structure of […]

Pope invites Bernie to the Vatican….for an INSANE reason

Liberals frequently accused Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz of pandering to the religious faithful during their campaigns because of how commonly they profess the importance of their faith. But at least they practiced the religions they preached. When Democrats pander to the religious, things are much less genuine. Remember when Bill Clinton thought the Book of […]

Socialist Bernie Sanders to Visit Vatican

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has accepted an invitation to visit the Vatican next Friday and discuss issues surrounding sustainability and the global economy, the New York Times is reporting. He will be attending a conference hosted by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences and meeting with Pope Francis. “I am delighted to have been invited […]

SHOCKER: Bill Clinton says he’ll vote for Bernie if…

Hillary doesn’t seem to be doing well with anyone. Over 90 percent of Democrats who value honestly choose Sanders, as do the majority of Democrat millennials. Her unpopularity only increases the longer she’s in the public eye. Among all Americans, she has roughly a negative 14 point net favorable rating. We learned this long ago, […]

HAPPY EASTER: Here’s WHY Jesus Wasn’t a Socialist (Fwd To Bernie) – VIDEO

Have you ever been confronted by a hippie claiming that Jesus was a socialist? Well, here’s the truth about that. Forward this to all the Bernie supporters that you know. Enjoy:

Five Outrages in Bernie Sanders’s Undelivered AIPAC Speech

TEL AVIV – Earlier this week, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)16%’s presidential campaign released the text of the speech he would have given had he attended this week’s annual convention of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).  Sanders, the sole Jewish candidate in this year’s presidential elections and the first Jewish politician to ever win a presidential primary, […]

Bernie Sanders To Skip Pro-Israel AIPAC Conference

CNN reports: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)16% confirmed Friday afternoon that he will not attend a major pro-Israel conference in Washington next week. Sanders, the first Jewish politician to ever win a presidential primary, is the only remaining 2016 contender who will not speak at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a major gathering for politicians […]

What just happened in Germany is a very HARSH lesson for Hillary and Bernie

There are consequences to decisions made by elected officials. And most often those consequences occur at election time. Only here in America does it seem we reward failure, especially at the presidential level particularly lately. And it’s even more perplexing that a political ideology responsible for failure has the abject gall to take to the […]

Illegal Aliens Praying Hard For a Bernie Sanders Presidency… Here’s The SICK Reason Why

If the American people who have been frustrated and disappointed by President Barack Obama’s progressive agenda and unilateral executive actions needed any further reasons to not vote for self-declared socialist and independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, he provided a rather significant one on Wednesday evening. While taking part in the CNN/Univision Democrat debate, Sanders vowed […]

How Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Used to Talk About Immigration Laws – WATCH

Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders are touting their support of immigration reform ahead of the Florida primary next week. But both took more firm stances against illegal immigrants in previous years. During the Univision debate in Miami Wednesday, Clinton, a former secretary of state, attacked Sanders for opposing an immigration […]

Shocker: Bernie Sanders’ Health Care Plan Is A ‘Train Wreck’ For The Poor

Sen. Bernie Sanders is adamant about establishing Medicare-for-all, single-payer health care system that will take care of everybody. He has consistently said that our inability to cover every American when other industrialized nations have done so (at far cheaper* rates) is a disgrace. He blames the big Pharmaceutical sector, and a corrupt campaign finance system […]

Hello Socialism, or Bye-bye Bernie?

By now, the whole world knows that maverick self-styled socialist Senator Bernie Sanders won the New Hampshire primary by more than 20 points over establishment darling Hillary Clinton. The white-haired leftist from Vermont, who has been a fixture on the radical Left circuit of Pete Seeger protest songs, Noam Chomsky, and Pacifica Radio for decades, […]

What Would Ronald Reagan Say About Bernie Sanders’ Socialism

This article was originally published by the Americans For Limited Government on 02/19/16. “We have so many people who can’t see a fat man standing beside a thin one without coming to the conclusion that the fat man got that way by taking advantage of the thin one.” Ronald Reagan powerfully stated this truism in […]

Bernie, Your Free College Plan Will Gut Black Colleges…Comrade

If there’s another casualty of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ free college plan, it’s black colleges. Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC), who recently endorsed Hillary Clinton, noted how the self-described democratic socialists’ plan could eviscerate black colleges (via the Hill): You’ve got to think about the consequences of things,” Clyburn said in an interview with <href=”#.qg1jl4194p”>BuzzFeed News. “[If] […]

If you hear a Bernie Sanders supporters complain about income inequality, show them this ASAP…

We’re all aware of the politics of envy on which Bernie Sanders is campaigning. You could probably make a drinking game based around when he uses the phrases “millionaires and billionaires,” “top one percent,” “Koch brothers,” or “greed.” The issue of income inequality is central to the politics of envy. Bernie commits a popular error […]

Man Photographed And Filmed During 1963 Arrest Is Bernie Sanders, Campaign Says

A new picture has emerged showing a 21-year-old Bernie Sanders being arrested during an Aug. 1963 civil rights demonstration on the south side of Chicago. The black-and-white photo, which was discovered in The Chicago Tribune’s archives, shows a bespectacled man being dragged away by two Chicago police officers during an Aug. 12, 1963 demonstration being […]

With Tight Nevada Race, Hillary Tries to Tarnish Bernie with Black and Latino Voters – VIDEO

Hillary Clinton is trying to hit Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on immigration as the two are in a dead heat headed into Saturday’s Nevada caucus. The Real Clear Politics polling average puts Clinton ahead by just 2.4 points in the Silver State. A year ago, she got 58 percent compared to just 4 percent for Sanders. […]

Uncle Bernie Sanders Is Brainwashing Our Uneducated Youth

Bernie Sanders is a nice, avuncular character who seems to be harmless enough — a nostalgic throwback to another era — but his espousal of socialism, “democratic” though it may be, misleads an entire generation of American youth who have absolutely no idea of the economic or social ramifications of the senator’s ideology. Lovable Bernie […]

What Burns Me About the Bern: The Fellow Traveling of Bernie Sanders

A number of leftist Senators and Congressmen developed positions and attitudes that were favorable towards communist dictatorships. In some cases, such elected officials displayed apologia for communist regimes which were perceived as budding utopias or victims of alleged American imperialist aggression. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) arguably fits into this category. However, the mainstay of Senator […]

Uncle Bernie Sanders Is Brainwashing Our Uneducated Youth

Bernie Sanders is a nice, avuncular character who seems to be harmless enough — a nostalgic throwback to another era — but his espousal of socialism, “democratic” though it may be, misleads an entire generation of American youth who have absolutely no idea of the economic or social ramifications of the senator’s ideology. Lovable Bernie […]

Bernie Sanders is Not a Social Democrat; He’s a Marxist

When is the last time you were in Denmark? Or Norway? Or Sweden? If you have had the pleasure of visiting these lovely places you may have noticed something really odd. Nobody there talks the way Bernie Sanders talks. Sanders frequently points to northern European countries, especially Denmark, as examples of how he would like […]


It is sad that the party of Thomas Jefferson is running for president a communist man and a corrupt woman who has committed many crimes. Bernie Sanders admires Fidel Castro, Daniel Ortega, and Russia In 1985 Senator Bernie Sanders said that the bloody dictator Fidel Castro “educated Cuban kids and gave them healthcare and totally […]

Why Won’t the Media Ask Bernie Sanders About Venezuela?

Here’s a simple question the media has managed to avoid asking Bernie Sanders: For nearly two decades, socialism has been implemented in a variety of ways in Venezuela. Have the results been good? If not, how would you, as a socialist president, avoid those same results here in the U.S.A.? In case you haven’t heard, […]

AP Fact Check: Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and the Facts at Democratic Debate

WASHINGTON (AP) — In their latest debate, Hillary Clinton glossed over the big-money donors juicing her White House ambitions while Bernie Sanders offered disputed numbers behind his plan for a government-financed health system. A look at some of the claims in the Democratic presidential debate and how they compare with the facts: Clinton “I’m very […]

New Hampshire: It’s Donald and Bernie for the Win

To nobody’s surprise, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders won their respective primary contests in New Hampshire, with Trump taking 35 percent out of a crowded Republican field and Sanders triumphing by a huge margin — 60 percent to 38 percent — over Hillary Clinton. Trump is resoundingly popular among New Hampshire Republicans, where so-called “values […]

Why Won’t the Media Ask Bernie Sanders About Venezuela?

Here’s a simple question the media has managed to avoid asking Bernie Sanders: For nearly two decades, socialism has been implemented in a variety of ways in Venezuela. Have the results been good? If not, how would you, as a socialist president, avoid those same results here in the U.S.A.? In case you haven’t heard, […]

Bernie Sanders Signs Global Warming Pledge — Created By A Billionaire Hedge Fund Manager

It’s not necessarily news that Sen. Bernie Sanders signed onto a green energy pledge the day before the New Hampshire primaries, but more interesting is that the puppet master behind this pledge is none other than a billionaire former hedge fund manager who’s in America’s (and Bernie’s very vocally) maligned “one percent.” Tom Steyer is the billion-dollar laden […]

How Much Do Bernie Sanders Supporters Really Know About the Socialist Candidate? – VIDEO

During a segment on Fox News’ “The O’Reilly Factor” Thursday, Jesse Watters asked students at the University of Oregon why they support Democratic presidential candidate Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who describes himself as a Democratic socialist. “Why do you like Bernie?” Watters asked one student. “He’s a great congressman,” the student said. “He’s a senator,” […]
