May 7, 2024

The Russian collusion narrative is falling apart. There will be many embarrassed politicians in the near future

Well, it seems that things are falling apart, the center is not holding.  There are those on the left who will not abandon the “dossier” fiasco.  As late as Oct. 7, 2017 the Guardian described it as “one of the most explosive documents in modern political history.”  This “dossier” was an obvious fraud and no […]

**BREAKING** Mueller Files First Charges in Russian Witch Hunt — ARRESTS AS SOON AS MONDAY!

Special Counsel Robert Mueller filed the first charges in his investigation into Russia’s alleged interference in the 2016 election. The nature of the charges are sealed and arrests may take place as soon as Monday. CNN reports: A federal grand jury in Washington, DC, on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation led by […]

BREAKING: FEC Complaint Filed Against Clinton Campaign, DNC For Hiding Russian Dossier Payment

The Washington Post published a bombshell on the discredited Trump dossier on Tuesday.  As Kristinn Taylor reported earlier on The Gateway Pundit the WaPo article claims the 2016 presidential campaign of Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee paid for the Fusion GPS dossier alleging Russian ties with the presidential campaign of Republican Donald Trump and sordid […]

Here We Go: House Intel Chairman Opens Investigation Into Russian Uranium Deal Tied to Clintons

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes announced Tuesday morning he will look into a Uranium deal struck by the Russians, at the direction of Vladimir Putin, while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. .@DevinNunes: "We are here today to announce an inquiry into Russia's involvement into the uranium deal that was done several years ago." […]

What Did Obama Know? Three Top Officials Left Admin for Law Firm that Retained Fusion GPS for Anti-Trump Russian Dossier

Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch, has a question about the breaking news that Perkins Coie, the law firm for the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee, retained Fusion GPS on behalf of their clients for the anti-Trump Russian dossier that has fueled unproven charges President Donald Trump colluded with Russia […]

Surprise! Big Media Ignores the Real Russian Scandal

While the mainstream media is chasing their tail about supposed Trump-Russia collusion, the scandal involving Uranium One unfolds to expose a Clinton-Russia connection as well as a stunning coverup by the Obama administration. Rather than reporting real news, they continue to churn out phony news about phony news that Russia swayed the 2016 election with […]

FBI Arrested Russian Spies Getting Close to Hillary Clinton in Lead-Up to Uranium One Deal

In 2010, the FBI arrested ten Russian spies as part of “Operation Ghost Stories.” According to a top FBI official, the agency had to act quickly because the “deep cover” agents had come very close to “a sitting US cabinet member.” They had already infiltrated then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s inner circle, befriending a Democratic […]

BREAKING: Obama DOJ Allegedly Threatened FBI Informant To Silence Him On Russian Nuclear Corruption

In a blockbuster revelation, Victoria Toensing, the attorney for an FBI confidential witness, alleged that the Obama Department of Justice blocked her client from informing Congress that Russian executives told him how they facilitated the Obama administration’s 2010 approval of the Uranium One deal and transferred millions of dollars in Russian nuclear funds to an […]

Russian Bribery Scheme Included Laundering Cash in Briefcases and Delivering Cash in Yellow Envelopes

All Russian roads lead to Hillary Clinton. As reported earlier, prior to the Obama administration approving the very controversial deal in 2010 giving Russia 20% of America’s Uranium, the FBI had evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were involved in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering in order to benefit Vladimir Putin, says a report by […]


Before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium, the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the United States, according to government […]

CNN Finally Proves Russian ‘Collusion’
 with Black Lives Matter

At long last, we appear to finally have some proof that the Russians interfered in American democracy. Before some of you get too excited, there is still zero proof of any collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign. There is still zero proof the Russians in any way “hacked the 2016 election.” There is […]

Nikki Haley stares down Russian ambassador; asks one question that leaves everyone SPEECHLESS

Following the tragic chemical attack in Syria that left over 100 dead, many wondered how the United States would react. Since taking office, President Trump has sought to warm relations with Russia. The renewed commitment to improving relations has led the two countries to cooperate in Syria, something that was absent under Barack Obama’s leadership. […]

Gingrich: All ‘real evidence’ of Russian influence points to Dems – VIDEO

Former Speaker Newt Gingrich said Sunday that all the “real evidence” of Russian interference in the presidential election points to Democratic collusion. His charge comes one day after President Trump tweeted that the “phony Russia story” is “a total scam!” “It is ironic that all of the real evidence of real money and real influence-buying relates to Democrats,” Gingrich […]

BREAKING: Trump Calls for Investigation into the Clintons’ Russian Ties

President Donald Trump took to Twitter Monday evening and asked why aren’t congressional lawmakers probing the various deals, transactions, and connections former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have to Russia. “Why isn’t the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia, […]

The Russian Conspiracy Theory Boils Over

The so-called scandal involving former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn is 9/11, Pearl Harbor, Iran-Contra, Watergate, proof of presidential fascism, a cynical money-making scheme, and a pro-Russian spy thriller all rolled into one, according to the increasingly deranged rants of howling left-wingers and their truth-adverse confederates in the mainstream media. Despite this relentless barrage of […]

Intimidation: Russian Spy Ship Located Within 30 Miles of Major US Sub Base

  The Russian spy ship Viktor Leonov is continuing on it’s course towards the United States, coming within 30 miles of a major nuclear submarine base in Groton, Connecticut on Wednesday morning. The ship is armed with surface-to-air missiles, along with Russia’s most up to date intelligence gathering technology. A U.S. official said the Russian spy ship […]

Will the Real Russian Agent Please Stand Up?

The civil rights “icon,” Rep. John Lewis (D-GA), has suddenly discovered the dangers of Russian influence in the U.S. political process. He tells Chuck Todd of NBC News, “I don’t see this President-elect [Donald J. Trump] as a legitimate president. I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy […]

What We Learned, or Didn’t, from the ‘Russian’ Hackers

Of all the tantrums being thrown by the Democrats in their inability to accept defeat and move on, perhaps the most absurd is the Great Russian Hacking Scandal. Did the Russians under express orders of Communist Party General Secretary… scratch that… President Vladimir Putin himself direct the hacking of the computers of the Democratic National […]

Trump Is Right about the Russian Hacking Case

President-elect Donald Trump expressed skepticism over reports that Russia hacked the U.S. election. It is well-known that Russia — and China, and various of our friends and allies — spend a lot of time and effort trying to access American military and industrial secrets, as the U.S. does theirs. But in the case of altering […]

US Intel Says Russian Hacking ‘Not Involved’ In Targeting Vote Tallies

The Department of Homeland security found no evidence of Russian attempts to influence the vote tally of the 2016 presidential election, the unclassified ODNI report released Friday says. The long anticipated report details purported Russian attempts to influence the U.S. presidential election. The ODNI report brings together the assessments of the nations 17 intelligence agencies […]

Trump Is Right about the Russian Hacking Case

President-elect Donald Trump expressed skepticism over reports that Russia hacked the U.S. election. It is well-known that Russia — and China, and various of our friends and allies — spend a lot of time and effort trying to access American military and industrial secrets, as the U.S. does theirs. But in the case of altering […]

Obama Team To Respond To Russian Hacking

UPDATE: Obama Administration Prepares to Retaliate Against Russia on Thursday.- BWC WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is preparing a response to Russia over the hacking of Democratic officials during this year’s presidential election and could take action very soon, officials said Wednesday. Anticipating an imminent announcement, Russia continued to deny the hacking allegations and condemned […]

Mainstream Media Desperation: Labels Alternative Media Sites As “Sophisticated Russian Propaganda Tools” – VIDEO

It’s interesting how the dying rags and television outlets claw and scrape at anything as citizen journalists expose the corruption and criminal activity in government and the media’s complicity in that corruption. While many propaganda outlets like The New York Times and The LA Times have saw fit to label sites like ours as “fake […]

BREAKING: Russian ambassador to Turkey shot dead by gunman yelling ‘Allahu Akbar’

Warning: Image contained in this post may be disturbing to some readers. The Russian ambassador to Turkey has died after being shot in the Turkish capital of Ankara. Andrei Karlov was attending a photo exhibit in Ankara called “Russia as seen by Turks” when the BBC reported he and several others were shot. Video of […]

Obama’s Probe Of Alleged Pro-Trump Russian Hacking Is A Smokescreen

The only reason President Obama is insisting the FBI conduct a lightning-fast investigation of the fanciful allegation that Russia engaged in hacking to elect Donald Trump is to sabotage incoming President Trump. The investigation has nothing to do with electoral integrity or national security. It has to do with payback and protecting Obama’s destructive, anti-American […]

Angry, Bitter Obama: “Domestic Propagandists” Bigger Threat to US Democracy Than Russian Hackers

This guy has some nerve. The liberal media has treated him with kid gloves and Eskimo kisses for eight years. But not ALL media outlets carry his water. So today he lashed out at the conservative news outlets. Obama blasted talk radio and conservative propagandists for making voters vulnerable to fake news. Obama: "Domestic propagandists" […]

Report: Obama Ignored Russian Hacking Because He Thought Hillary Was Going To Win

The Obama administration refused to act aggressively against Russian hackers during the election because they believed that Hillary Clinton was going to win the White House, sources are telling NBC News. “They thought she was going to win, so they were willing to kick the can down the road,” a U.S. official with knowledge of the […]

Here’s my PERSONAL assessment of the Russian “hack” fiasco

What’s happening at this moment can only be characterized as the theater of the absurd. We now have Nancy Pelosi’s daughter — and the apple don’t fall far from the tree — who is a Democrat elector from California, demanding the electors receive an intelligence briefing on Russian influence and hacking in the November 8th […]

Obama: ‘We need to take action’ in response to Russian hacking

© Greg Nash President Obama vowed that the United States will “take action” in response to Russia’s believed interference in the presidential election. “I think there is no doubt that when any foreign government tries to impact the integrity of our elections, that we need to take action and we will — at a time […]


All this talk of a vast Russian conspiracy to hack U.S. computer networks to put Donald Trump in the White House is difficult to believe. It may turn out to be true that somebody either hacked the Democratic National Committee or leaked emails from inside the DNC to expose Democrats’ dirty tricks against the Trump […]
