May 10, 2024

Donald J. Trump, the Law and Order Candidate

Donald Trump spoke at a rally at West Bend, Wisconsin on August 16, 2016 on how to restore law and order, improve the economy, and keep America safe from Islamic terrorists. Black Lives Matter is a domestic terrorist organization led by Marxists and anarchists who have been promoting violence and assassinations of police officers through […]

What Is Sharia Law And Why You Should Be Scared @Maryamkansari @HuffingtonPost

Once again, the Puff Hos carry water for the most vicious and brutal ideology on the face of the earth. Modern Muslima Maryam Khan Ansari, who is identified as an “attorney and writer,” published a ridiculous piece in the Huffington Post Saturday: “What Is Sharia Law And Should You Be Scared? Why is Sharia such […]

Khizr Khan and Clinton Cash Tie Terror, Immigration and Email Scandals Together

Democrats rely on a con man to send a message to the glassy eyed progressive fools, masquerading as a constitutionalist.  Khan has a track record of promoting Sharia Law, money laundering and is financially tied to the corrupt Clinton crime family and Saudi Arabia.  He has helped middle eastern operatives to enter the US under […]

The Muslim Who Attacked Donald Trump Is A Muslim Brotherhood Agent

The Muslim who attacked Donald Trump, Khizr Muazzam Kahn, is a Muslim Brotherhood agent, working to bring Muslims into the United States. After reading what we discovered so far, it becomes obvious that Khan wanted to ‘trump’ Trump’s Muslim immigration. But not so fast. Trump we have your back. Khizr Muazzam Khan graduated in Punjab […]

Report: Clinton’s Possible VP Pick Violated Federal Law During Interview – VIDEO

One of Hillary Clinton’s prospective vice presidential picks violated federal law while giving a media interview earlier this year, a government watchdog report has found. The U.S. Office of Special Counsel found that Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro violated the Hatch Act during an April 4 interview with Yahoo News’ Katie […]

Donald Trump on Baton Rouge Police Murders: ‘We Demand Law and Order’

Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump reacted to the news that three police officers were killed in a shooting in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on Sunday, suggesting the killing of law enforcement is due to the “lack of leadership in our country.” “We grieve for the officers killed in Baton Rouge today. How many law enforcement and people have to die […]

Local Law Enforcement Collecting Thousands of Iris Scans for FBI, Pentagon

Details of a new FBI program to collect iris scans reveals how state and local police are assisting the federal law enforcement agency to spread the dragnet of national government surveillance wider and wider. As part of its “pilot program” — which was floated by the FBI as a simple test of technology — the […]

The Rule Of Law Is Dead In America

I have lost all faith in both parties and our government. Yesterday, the rule of law in America officially died. There was no fanfare or pretense… only corruption. As Ayn Rand said: “When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion – when you see that in order to produce, you […]

FBI Warned: Louisiana Law Enforcement Beware of Riots, Protests & ‘Purges’ of Police Officers

The New Orleans office of the FBI issued a “Gold Code” warning Thursday to Louisiana law enforcement that law enforcement and other first responders, in addition to the general public, are in danger because of protests and purges linked to the July 5 police shooting of Alton Sterling. According to the FBI Memo, the purpose […]


An important essay was published over the Independence Day weekend. Writing at Townhall, Kurt Schlichter laid out in stark terms the entirely foreseeable consequences of the behavior of the Democrat-progressive-media cabal. It is a must-read, especially for the American left (who will, of course, be oblivious to anything not coming from the New York Times […]

FBI Rewrites Federal Law to Let Hillary Off the Hook

There is no way of getting around this: According to Director James Comey (disclosure: a former colleague and longtime friend of mine), Hillary Clinton checked every box required for a felony violation of Section 793(f) of the federal penal code (Title 18): With lawful access to highly classified information she acted with gross negligence in […]


FBI Director James Comey outlined multiple reasons why Hillary Clinton violated the law in circumventing the Freedom of Information Act and Espionage Act over unsecured emails with classified  and SECRET information on them, but then said no “reasonable prosecutor” would bring this case before a judge. Are you out of your mind? “Although there is […]

Flashback: Obama Says He Can’t Change Immigration Law Alone – VIDEO

President Obama is blaming the Supreme Court striking down his illegal executive action on immigration on a Republican failure to confirm his nominee Merrick Garland. But the only person Obama should be blaming is himself. As a reminder, President Obama repeatedly said before taking executive action in December 2014 that he didn’t have the authority […]

Killing Homosexuals Is Not ISIS Law, It Is Muslim Law

For nearly 25 years, we’ve been clinging to the fiction that groups such as ISIS are anti-Islamic. Various reports indicate that the death toll from the jihadist attack overnight at a popular gay club in Orlando may exceed 50 people, with more than 50 others wounded. The terrorist’s identity has been reported: He is Omar […]

Obama ‘Ignoring Basic Law Enforcement’

In an interview with WND, the veteran analyst and a former member of one of the National Targeting Center’s advanced units said it “seems like even the terrorist attack in Orlando hasn’t changed anything.” “I wish that it would,” he said. “People have the saying ‘enough is enough,’ but it doesn’t seem like we’ve gotten […]

Orlando’s ‘Pulse’ Gay Bar Was a ‘Gun-Free Zone’ by State Law

Pulse, the Orlando gay nightclub targeted in a jihadist terror attack, was a “gun-free zone” by state law. Per Florida’s concealed carry law, those with a license to carry may not carry their firearms into an establishment that serves alcohol. The establishment was touted as “Orlando’s hottest gay bay” on its website, providing patrons with an “unforgettable night of […]

‘People Really Go To Jail For Breaking This Law’: Clinton Email Scandal May Have Finally Crossed The Line

Emails stored on Hillary Clinton’s unsecured personal server may have put Central Intelligence Agency personnel at trisk, according to security experts. At least 47 of the 55,000 emails Clinton turned over to the State Department contained the words “B3 CIA PERS/ORG,” the Associated Press reported Wednesday, indicating that the email contained information on CIA personnel or […]

Loretta Lynch’s Abuse Of The Law

At issue is how far Americans can be pushed past decency by a federal government drunk on overweening power. Pundits who dismiss all this as a silly distraction miss the point. This is about far more than bathroom access. Beneath the economic wars, the left is using this issue as a spear point to test […]

Harvard Law Prof. Says Liberals Should Treat Christian Conservatives Like Nazis

A Harvard law professor suggests that conservative and religious objectors to same-sex marriage need to be treated like Nazis were treated following World War II. Professor Mark Tushnet, a constitutional law scholar and the William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Law at Harvard Law School in Massachusetts, wrote in a recent blog post that liberals should begin […]

North Carolina sues federal government over bathroom law

Officials in North Carolina on Monday filed a lawsuit against the federal government in an effort to keep the state’s controversial bathroom law in place, according to multiple reports. The lawsuit comes after the Department of Justice (DOJ) told Gov. Pat McCrory (R) that the state’s law — which requires transgender people to use the […]

Obama’s Threats Over Transgender Law ‘Sickest Example’ of Effort to ‘Fundamentally Transform Our Nation,’ N.C. Lt. Gov. Says

North Carolina’s Lt. Gov. Dan Forest called the Obama administration’s threat to withhold federal education funding unless the state repeals its controversial transgender bathroom law, the “sickest example” of how far Barack Obama will go to transform the nation. “To use our children and their educational futures as pawns to advance an agenda that will […]

Cuba, Obama and the Law of unforeseen circumstances.

There are no exceptions. The president of the United States is also subject to the “Law of unforeseen circumstances.” This became patent, for example, in Libya. NATO carried out 7,000 bombing raids and caused the destruction of the army of Qaddafi, who ended up executed by his enemies. In total chaos, the country was finally […]

Regardless Of The Law, I Can’t Allow A Man To Enter A Bathroom With My Wife Or Daughter

As civilization continues its slide into dementia, reading the headlines has become an almost psychedelic experience. While I peruse the latest news each morning I begin to think I might still be asleep and dreaming, or maybe somebody slipped Quaalude into my coffee, or maybe I’m finally going insane. But then I splash some cold water on my face and realize, no, […]

UN Grabs for Control of Oceans With Revised Law of the Sea Treaty

For decades, like the relentless waves of the sea, the politicians, bureaucrats, and activists at the United Nations have been ceaselessly grabbing for control of the Earth’s oceans. Their primary instrument for achieving this has been, and is, the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST), formally known as the United Nations Convention on the Law […]

Cruz Defends NC’s New Law: No, Men Should Not Be in Bathrooms With Little Girls

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory has argued all along that the state’s new law, which requires gay and transgender people to use the bathroom or locker room that corresponds to their biological gender, is common sense. Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz seems to agree. “Men should not be going to the bathroom with little girls,” […]

Islamic Radicals Want to Establish a Caliphate under Shariah Law in the World

James A. Lyons, age 88, is a retired four-star U.S. Navy admiral who was commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and senior U.S. military representative to the United Nations. Admiral Lyons is an expert on Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in the Obama administration and in society. He wrote an article titled […]

Border Patrol Agent: We Will Be Terminated If We Try To Enforce The Law

A top Border Patrol agent revealed Thursday that if border agents follow the law and ask illegal aliens why they are coming to the U.S. they will be terminated. The Border Patrol previously had a policy of “catch and release” that drew the ire of Border Patrol agents: “These orders are called Notices to Appear (NTA). […]

I Want a President for Americans who Follow the Rules, Go to Work, and Obey the Law

It’s true! The pundits have just discovered that Republicans and Democrats really are different, after all. First, there’s the Kaiser Family Foundation poll that shows that Democrats want specifics from politicians and Republicans want principles. Then there’s the MSNBC campaign switch, reported by young Ezra Klein. He quotes Benjy Sarlin: I was caught off guard […]

Bombshell: Unclassified DHS Documents Prove Local Law Enforcement is Being Propagandized against Innocent American Patriots

Homeland Security documents, which have been marked as “Unclassified/Law Enforcement Sensitive,” appear to demonstrate just how local law enforcement is being propagandized against Patriots in the united States by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah. And who did the document target? The Constitutional militia, specifically those who engaged the […]

Huge Restaurant Chains Just Took a MASSIVE Stand Against Shariah Law

Everywhere they go, it seems that Muslims demand that countries conform to their standards, yet they refuse to change even a little bit to assimilate into the cultures in which they are living. But the South China Morning Post reported that in Hong Kong, McDonald’s, KFC and Pizza Hut have actually stood up to Muslims […]
