May 1, 2024

Obama’s Progressive Socialist Attempt to Destroy Private College Education in America

America doesn’t have an unemployment problem – it has an education and skilled worker problem.  Right now, there are millions of available jobs all around the country with top companies offering good pay and benefits. However, the problem for these potential employers is a lack of skilled or properly educated workers. This is a massive […]

Fact Checking Obama’s Phony Legacy.

The Washington Post’s fact-checker, Glenn Kessler, recently gave Susan Rice four Pinocchios for a false and misleading statement regarding Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile. But what is notable about this story is not that Rice lied. She has done that many times. Rather, the remarkable part of this story is that the Post took so long […]

Mystery Surrounds Obama’s Mass Clemencies…Revealed: PC Gov’t Data Collection, Reporting Hides Key Info, Keeps Americans Vulnerable…

The Department of Justice should keep the public informed about the results of former President Barack Obama’s decision to grant early releases to 1,715 convicts, says a former federal prosecutor. “What [Attorney General Jeff] Sessions Justice Department needs to do now is track the hundreds of fellows who got these pardons and commutations,” said former […]

Trump and Kelly ‘Dismantle’ Obama’s ‘Progress’ for Illegal Immigrants.

A former Obama Administration official responsible for the detention of illegal immigrants said President Donald Trump and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary John Kelly are “dismantling the progress we had made.” Kevin Landy, President Barack Obama’s director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Office of Detention Policy and Planning, took exception to President’s Trump’s […]

Trump Just Wiped Out Obama’s Pro-Planned Parenthood Rule.

Donald Trump signed legislation on Thursday reversing an Obama-era rule that banned states from withholding federal funds from clinics that provide abortions. Trump signed H.J. Res. 43 two weeks after the Senate approved the legislation 51-50 with Vice President Mike Pence casting the tiebreaking vote. States can now block funding that would go to facilities […]

Dozens Killed in Syria Gas Attack; Trump Blames Obama’s Red Line

A worker carries an injured child after an attack with an unknown chemical agent in Khan Shaykhun, Syria, on April 4, 2017. (Photo by Syrian Civil Defense) WASHINGTON — A new apparent chemical weapons attack on Syrian civilians prompted lawmakers to criticize the Trump administration for days ago demoting the priority of unseating Bashar al-Assad, while the […]

It’s Official: Trump Signs Executive Order Unwinding Obama’s Climate Change Agenda

Flanked by more than two dozen coal miners at the Environmental Protection Agency Tuesday afternoon, President Donald Trump signed an executive order officially rolling back President Barack Obama’s climate change agenda. “My administration is putting an end to the war on coal,” Trump said. “I want to thank the miners. You know, my guys get […]

Tremendous: Trump To Sign Executive Order Targeting Most Of Obama’s Climate Change Agenda

It’s refreshing to have a new sheriff in town. Today, President Donald J. Trump is expected to sign a sweeping executive order that rolls back much of President Obama’s job-killing climate change regulations, including the Clean Power Plan (via Time): President Donald Trump will sign a sweeping executive order Tuesday intended to shift the direction […]

Obama’s Organizing for Action Partners with Soros-Linked ‘Indivisible’ to Disrupt Trump’s Agenda

Organizing for Action, the activist group that morphed from Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign, has partnered with the newly-formed Indivisible Project for “online trainings” on how to protest President Donald Trump’s agenda. Last week, Breitbart News extensively reported that Indivisible leaders are openly associated with groups financed by billionaire George Soros. Politico earlier this month profiled Indivisible […]

Just in: Trump hammers ANOTHER nail into Obama’s legacy

President Trump is continuing his crusade to completely destroy and undo the legacy of Barack Obama by today signing a bill removing regulations Obama put in place on the coal industry. When Trump was running for the White House, he promised he’d dismantle much of the work done by the Obama administration that had left […]

Trump administration takes big step back from Obama’s transgender bathroom rules.

In a clear shift away from his predecessor, President Donald Trump’s White House has asked a judge to cancel a crucial hearing in a legal appeal over an Obama-era rule regarding transgender bathroom use. Former President Barack Obama issued a controversial administrative rule in May 2016 extending Title IX protections to transgendered individuals, ensuring their right to use the […]

REVEALED: Obama’s devious plan to SABOTAGE Trump.

George W. Bush refused to comment publicly on Barack Obama’s presidency, and we never heard any criticism come out of his mouth. With Donald Trump as the president now, would Obama uphold the precedent set by Bush? He said in November that he wouldn’t criticize Trump, unless he felt that the Trump administration was “attacking […]

The Numbers Don’t Lie: Comparing Trump’s Cabinet Confirmations With Obama’s

Donald Trump began his presidency with fewer Cabinet nominations confirmed than any other president in almost 30 years. Both George W. Bush and Barack Obama had seven of their nominees confirmed by their first day in office in 2001 and 2009. Bill Clinton had three confirmed the day he was sworn in. Trump had two. By this time […]

To Fix Counterterrorism, End Obama’s ‘Countering Violent Extremism’ Strategy

Last June, the jihadist terrorist Omar Mateen opened fire at a gay night club in Orlando, Florida, killing 49 and wounding several other revelers. It quickly became clear that Mateen was yet another “known wolf” – the term popularized by my friend and colleague Patrick Poole to describe the frequent phenomenon of terrorists who manage […]

Obama’s Disgraceful Departure

Although President Barack Obama acted friendly toward Donald Trump, aiding him in the transition and meeting with him, behind the scenes he left Trump with a number of policy landmines that our new President must confront as he pursues his agenda. “We didn’t discuss the negative, we only discussed the future and the positive. And […]

Trump to Sign Executive Order Ending Obama’s Unconstitutional Executive Amnesty

According to reports, President Trump will sign an executive order Friday ending “unconstitutional executive amnesty,” which translates to President Obama’s 2014 executive actions on illegal immigration. Former Townhall White House correspondent Conn Carroll covered the details of Obama’s moves at the time: What actions is Obama taking specifically? The key to Obama’s new immigration policy […]

Obama’s Real Identity and Legacy – Video

Cliff Kincaid and Joel Gilbert discuss Barack Obama’s “real father,” communist Frank Marshall Davis, and the role played by his grandfather, Stanley Dunham, a reputed CIA operative, in selecting Davis as Obama’s mentor. They also address Obama’s cover-up of his links to Davis and why the CIA did not alert the American people to Obama’s […]

Clawback: Trump Puts Hold on Obama’s $220M Gift to Palestinians

President Trump campaigned on promises to be a strong ally to Israel, counter to everything President Obama did while in office. And so far, he’s followed through on his vows. Yesterday, the State Department announced it had put a hold on the Obama administration’s last-minute plan to send $220 million to the Palestinians over the […]

CNN Quietly Releases Updated Pic Showing Trump’s Inaugural Crowd Size Greater than Obama’s 2009 Inaugural Crowd

  As we pointed out throughout the months leading up to the election, crowd size matters.  President Trump was crushing Hillary Clinton in number of rallies and number of participants at his rallies when compared to Clinton. These numbers, in part, led to us projecting a Trump win and probable landslide and we were correct.  […]

The 7 Most Egregious Acts Of ‘Social Justice’ In Obama’s Military

Former President Barack Obama left a legacy of radical social change in the military, but aside from major shifts like allowing women in all combat roles and repealing the ban on open transgender service, many cases of rampant political correctness have been memory-holed. Here are just seven egregious examples of social justice that creeped into the armed […]

Gallup Daily: Obama’s Approval Rating Plummets Into the 30s

According to the latest from Gallup, President Obama’s approval rating has plummeted into the 30s as millions of people continue to lose their health insurance. Last week, an NBC/WSJ poll showed Obama’s personal favorability and overall job approval were starting to take a nose dive, dropping eight points from the month before. It is also […]

Obama’s Mideast Legacy Is One of Tragic Failure

Obama’s one-sided Cairo speech, on June 4, 2009, took place before a large number of Islamic sheikhs and members of the Muslim Brotherhood. (Image source: White House) The Middle East is a more dangerous place after eight years of the Obama presidency than it was before. The eight disastrous Obama years follow eight disastrous George […]

Cubans Respond to Obama’s Final Betrayal: He ‘Screwed All Cubans’

So how are Cubans responding to President Barack Obama’s last-second decision to end a decades-long immigration policy providing an easy path to citizenship for Cuban refugees fleeing the island’s oppressive communist regime? Not well. The soon to be former President Obama announced this week that effective immediately he has ended the 1995 policy granting Cubans who had fled to […]

Obama’s Farewell Address Undermined His Own Record on Immigration

In his farewell address, President Obama addressed the issue of immigration with the following statement (via CNN transcript): For native-born Americans, it means reminding ourselves that the stereotypes about immigrants today were said, almost word for word, about the Irish, and Italians, and Poles — who it was said we’re [ sic] going to destroy […]

Cuban American lawmakers react to Obama’s ‘wet foot, dry foot’ concession to Cuba’s apartheid dictatorship

U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL): “Castro uses refugees as pawns to get more concessions from Washington so there is no reason to do away with the Cuban medical doctor program, which is a foolhardy concession to a regime that sends its doctors to foreign nations in a modern-day indentured servitude. The repeal of the Cuban […]

Obama’s ‘farewell’ speech proves he is out of touch with reality

President Obama gave his farewell address last night, touting his great accomplishments as if his audience had returned from living on another planet and were unaware of the events of the past eight years. For 240 years, our nation’s call to citizenship has given work and purpose to each new generation. It’s what led patriots […]

WORST PRESIDENT EVER: Obama’s Many Lies about the Benghazi Terrorist Attack

Almost no one in the US had ever heard the name Benghazi before September 11, 2012. After that date Benghazi was infamous for the place where four Americans, including US Ambassador Chris Stevens, were murdered by radical Islamic terrorists. As noted previously, the Libyan nightmare was the result of a war that President Obama and Hillary […]


Barack Hussein Obama the 44th President of the United States and the first African-American to occupy the White House.  His presidency became mired in controversy when a number of researchers and political opponents alleged that Obama was not eligible under the Constitution to be president because he is not, they claim, a natural-born US citizen.  […]

Trump Poised to Build Wall and Undo Obama’s Executive Actions on Immigration

President-elect Donald Trump is poised to hit the ground running when he takes office in two and a half weeks, and it looks like “the wall” and reversing Obama’s immigration policies are high on the agenda. Reuters reported Tuesday that Donald Trump’s transition team has requested “documents and analysis” from the Department of Homeland Security to “assess […]

WORST PRESIDENT EVER: Obama’s Libyan Catastrophe Unleashed Hell on Middle East and Europe

In late August WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange joined FOX and Friends to discuss the leaked Hillary Clinton emails.  When pressed as to what was the most damaging email to date, Assange noted a stream of emails related to Hillary Clinton’s involvement in Libya. Assange stated that 1,700 emails were released related to Hillary’s involvement in Libya but […]
